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MyCampus Email
POP - IMAP Specifications

MyCampus Email UOIT - IMAP
Server Port IMAP 143
User Name Student ID ex. 100499999
Password MyCampus password
Email Address

Note: Mailbox is stated to be limited to 5 megabytes.

You can use this information to retrieve emails from your Student Email address without having to log into the MyCampus web client. Clients such as the iPod Touch, iPhone, BlackBerry smartphones, & many other devices are able to access your MyCampus Email account. POP access may be blocked, so far efforts to connect to a POP server have been unsuccessful.

iPod Touch

Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendar > Add Account... > Other > Add Mail Account > IMAP >

Under Settings find Mail, Contacts, Calendars

Select Add Account

Select Other

Select Add Mail Account

Select IMAP and fill in your information.
Outgoing and Incoming Mail Server info are identical.
Note: Outgoing service may only work on campus or not at all.

Turn off Note syncing.

Find your new mailbox.


**This has been tested as of January 14, 2012 on an iPod Touch & iPad.

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