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XBOX Media Centre
XBMC - Network Media Player

About XBMC - Official Website

The XBOX Media Centre is an open source media player that allows streaming of videos, music, photos, and feeds over a network, as well as media stored in-device.

Several platforms are able to run the XBMC software. Computers with Windows, Linux, or Mac OSX are able to have XBMC installed. Live CD is also another option of running XBMC on traditional computers. XBMC can also be installed on the original xbox and Apple TV.

Installations of XBMC on the original xbox and Apple TV devices allow easy connection to existing home theatre setups, or regular TVs. The xbox is capable of playback of HD content with used with component cables. New versions of the Apple TV are supportive of up to 1080p.

of XBMC running on PC - the same results a TV would display

Remote Control
Screen shots from an iPod app & PC Web applet controlling XBMC on xbox - other controlling options available


DVD Playback without the need for a DVD Kit
Automatic TV Show & Movie Synopsis Grabbers
Stream from any PC on your Network
Automatic Photo Slideshow with Music
Rating System
Fan Art
Customization Opportunity
Quick TV Calibration 16:9 to 4:3
Acts as Web/Media Server
Open Source
Software Updates on Request
FTP Access
Visually Appealing
Weather Forecast
Skin/Theme Availability
iTunes Library (versions prior to 8)
RSS Feeds
Supports Various Media Formats
Apple Movie Trailer Access
Access to Repository for additional Add-ons & Plug-ins
Adjustable Fan Speed**
Ring Colour choice**
Easily Transportable**
Cost effective**

The XBMC system brings together all the media you have on your computer, to the big screen. It works great for entertaining guests with your music library or media collection. Share with the entire house, don't be tethered to your computer monitor or laptop screen!

Wirelessly control XBMC from an mobile device with a web browser, iPod, iPhone, or xbox ir remote, wired control from an xbox controller.

Synopsis collected by the XBMC gives a viewer an insight advantage in media selection compared to just reading the title.

Comparable Set-top Box Media Centres can be found at upwards of $100. With an original xbox you can transform it into an XBMC. Used systems can be found on sites like Kijiji, craigslist, ebay for prices around $30 and will do the job.

You can have fun customizing your XBMC with your own graphics and sound clips.

Skins \XBMC\skin\
Plugins \XBMC\plugins\
Background \XBMC\skin\{skin-name}\backgrounds\
Splash Startup Image \XBMC\media\Splash.png
Startup Sound \XBMC\skin\{skin-name}\sounds\start.wav
[example of install locations]
C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\

Test Devices are:
XBMC on Original XBOX with 320 GB Hard Drive Upgrade
XBMC on Original XBOX
XBMC (9.11) on a Lenovo T500 running Windows 7 - 64 bit
Personal Computer with Shared Files
Typical Home Computer Network

XBMC Official Website
Skin and Theme Download - Published
Skin and Theme Download - Forum Edition
Original XBOX - XBMC Support - Acquisition
PC, MAC, Linux - Download
xbmc wiki - online manual

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